This application is only for residents of the United States of America and Canada.
Please write to if you want information but live outside Northern America.

Gender : Male | Female
First Name :
Middle Name :
Last Name :
Marital status : Single | Married *
* If married : Spouse first name :
Spouse last name :
Street Address :
Apartment :
City :
State :
Zip Code :
Home phone :
Work phone : Extension :
Cellular Phone : SMS (text) service Yes | No
E-mail :
Education : Graduated : Yes | No
Major :
Profession :
From Kivu ? Yes | No *
* If yes, your local language is :
* If no, how are you related to Kivu
Do you speak Kiswahili ? Yes | No *
Other languages :
Additional Information :
By checking this button I acknowledge that I have read the rules for membership at
Kivu Rise and I am accepting them.
I confirm that all information given above is correct.

Kivu Rise